Monday 6 December 2010

Yummy Peppermint & White Chocolate Mousse

This light refreshing mousse is very easy to make and is so delicious.    I have also made it with dark chocolate, but the white chocolate version is much richer.


250g White Chocolate
250ml Double cream
1 egg white
1 teaspoon peppermint essence (or more according to taste)

Chocolate coated mint leaves to decorate.


Melt chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of  simmering water.    When its all melted, allow to cool but not set.

In another bowl, whisk cream, egg whites and peppermint essence until consistancy of a thick cream

Gently fold the cream mixture into the melted cooled chocolate.   Do a taste check and add more essence if required.  I tend to find that some mint essences are stronger than others.

Divide between 6 small glasses (ideally shot glasses)  and allow to chill in fridge for an hour.

Decorate with a small mint leaf on top.   You can use a small amount of the melted white chocolate to coat the leaves and allow to set.

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