Saturday 11 December 2010

Mini Yorkshire Pudding Party Nibbles

Oh my god, these little treasures are so morish, one is never enough.

2 minutes will make them, and you serve them cold so no need to worry about keeping them warm.


Mini Yorkshire Puddings (allow 2 per guest)

Thin Slices of Roast Beef (the kind you buy from the deli counter)

Rocket or Watercress (chopped)

Horseradish sauce or Hoi Sin Sauce


Cook Yorkshires according to package, the smaller you can get the better but try to make sure they are deep enough to allow for a decent filling.  Aunt Bessie is my choice.

When cooled, place a small amount of sauce in the bottom, wrap meat and place inside, top with rocket or watercress and add another dollup of sauce on top (i love that word, dollup!,)


***Hint, if you feel your yorkshires are a little on the large side, slice the meat into strips so its easier for guests to eat ***

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