Saturday 11 December 2010

Peppermint Aero Cheesecake

This gorgeous cheesecake is so quick and easy to make.   You can make individual ones in ramekins or small tumblers, or make a square one and cut into bitesize nibbles for your guests.


125g Digestive Biscuits
75g butter

250g Mascarpone cheese
568ml double cream
135g Mint Aero Chocolate (either bars or Aero bubbles)
1/2 tablespoon Mint Essence (or more if you want it really minty)
100g icing sugar


Place digestive biscuits in food processor and blitz until breadcrumb like
add butter and blizt until mixed  (no need to melt the butter)

Turn base into a loosebottomed cake tin or place in individual dishes

Chill for 30 mins

Whilst chilling, put cream, mascarpone, icing sugar and mint essence in a bowl and whisk until thick.

Blitz aero in food processor, add to the mix.

Spoon over the base and chill for at least 2 hours/

Drizzle with melted white chocolate or grated Aero.    You could add a splash of green food colouring if you wish,

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