Friday 3 December 2010

Margarita Ice Cream

Oh my god, this delectable icecream is strictly adults only.   Its sooooo smooth and creamy and just melts on your tongue.  Delightfully tangy, tis purely a pleasure sensation in your mouth!

Really easy to make, you dont need to do anything with it other than freeze it.  No Churning required!  


500ml Double cream
150g Powdered or Icing sugar
125ml fresh lime juice (i have used bottled before, and it will work just the same)
3 tablespoons Tequila (Tequila, it makes me happy....)
3 tablespoons Triple Sec or Cointreau or other orange flavoured liqueur  (If buying the liqueur for this recipe Triple Sec is almost half the price of a bottle of Cointreau)
Grated zest of 1 lime


Place all alcohol and lime juice in a bowl with the powdered sugar and stirr to disolve (it wont fully disolve)
Add cream, whip until thick BUT not stiff
Add grated lime zest
Transfer to airtight container and freeze over night.

Remove from feeezer a few moments before serving in cocktail glasses decorated with a sugar rim, grated lime zest, and if you really like....a cocktail umbrella!

***NOTE...this is a soft set ice cream due to the alcohol ***

* Adapted from Nigella Lawson recipe

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