Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas Spiced Cupcakes

Not so much a cupcake as we have come to know recently here in the UK, more of a Christmas fairy bun!


3 eggs
6oz Castor or soft brown sugar
6oz SR Flour
6 oz baking marg
2 teaspoons mixed spice
3 tablespoons sweet mincemeat


Have never been a fan of cream the sugar and marg etc etc so basically I just throw it all in a bowl bar the mincemeat, whisk with electric whisk until soft and creamy

Add mincemeat and mix well

Spoon into bun cases (makes 15/18)

Bake in fan oven at 160 for 15/20 minutes (will brown very quickly so keep an eye on them)

When cooked, cool on a wire rack and then dust with icing sugar

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