Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas Spiced Cupcakes

Not so much a cupcake as we have come to know recently here in the UK, more of a Christmas fairy bun!


3 eggs
6oz Castor or soft brown sugar
6oz SR Flour
6 oz baking marg
2 teaspoons mixed spice
3 tablespoons sweet mincemeat


Have never been a fan of cream the sugar and marg etc etc so basically I just throw it all in a bowl bar the mincemeat, whisk with electric whisk until soft and creamy

Add mincemeat and mix well

Spoon into bun cases (makes 15/18)

Bake in fan oven at 160 for 15/20 minutes (will brown very quickly so keep an eye on them)

When cooked, cool on a wire rack and then dust with icing sugar

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Baileys Ice Chocolate Cappuccino

For once, words fail me.  I cant even begin to describe just how decandent this cocktail really is.

50ml Baileys Original
2 scoops of vanilla ice cream
50g milk chocolate, chopped
100ml of milk
Powdered chocolate

Warm the milk in a small pot until it’s approximately body temperature.

Add the Baileys and the chocolate and stir until the chocolate is melted.

Place the scoops of ice cream in a glass.

While the milk mixture is still warm, pour it into a coffee plunger and pump the plunger up and down until the milk is very aerated and foamy.

Pour over the ice cream and then dust with the powdered chocolate!

Rosemary Flavoured Olives

Love them or loathe them...these delicious olives are perfect to serve whilst your party guests are mingling and enjoying their drinks


600g Black olives
1 sprig rosemary, leaves finely chopped
4 sundried tomatoes chopped
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (can use flavoured oils if preferred)


Drain and rinse olives to remove brine

Place with other incredients in airtight container

Shake & leave for up to 1 week

Remove from fridge and drain from oil and allow to reach room temperature before serving

Festive Cranberry Vodka

Am a little bit late with this one, because although it can be prepared in takes 2 weeks for the vodka to infuse the flavours.   Although I have used it after 10 days, so maybe just in time for New Year?


250g Cranberries fresh or frozen.    (I have also used frozen raspberries in place of cranberries)
1 lt bottle vodka
175g castor sugar


If using a solid berry such as cranberry prick the skin a few times with a cocktail stick or a fork

Place in a large steralised jar

Layer with Sugar

Pour on vodka


Shake & shake daily for 2 weeks

Serve chilled in shot glasses

Sunday 19 December 2010

Indulgent Eggnog

A definite must for any Christmas gathering.    So quick and easy to make.


6 eggs
750ml double cream
500ml WHOLE milk
125ml Brandy
125ml Dark Rum
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon fresh gound nutmeg (dried will do if you really must)
225g Castor Sugar


In a medium bowl, beat the eggs together hard until they're very frothy.
Add sugar and continue beating.
Sprinkle in nutmeg and vanilla.
Continue beating.
A little at a time, add in the whipping cream, continuing to beat.
Again, only a little at a time, beat in the milk.
Finally, beat in the rum and brandy.
Give your arms a break from all that beating by putting the eggnog in the fridge to chill for 1 or 2 hours.
Serve cold.

Cucumber & Prawn Canapes

These delicious little nibbles are very quick and easy to make, make plenty tho cos they will disappear


Cucumber Sliced thickly
100g Prawns
200g Soft Cheese
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest

Warm St Clements (Non alcoholic spiced drink)

One for the drivers!!!


1 Orange
1 lemon
1 mulled wine spice sachet (if not available use the spice quantities in my recipe for Spiced apple cider)
Bottle of ginger ale (mixer)
4 cloves


Zest and Juice the orange & Lemon

Heat in a saucepan with the Ginger ale and mulled wine sachet,   simmer for 20 minutes

Serve warm  with slices of lemon or orange

****** You can add alcohol to this if you wish, Brandy, Whisky or Cointreau work well :-)