Wednesday 8 September 2010

Raspbernut Cheesecake

Ok, so this was meant to be a Raspberry Ruffle Cheesecake.  However after mixing all ingredients, I discovered that I had no Raspberry Ruffles!  (Note to self...check all ingredients present before attempting to create culinary delight)  

Simple; you to local shop to buy missing RR's.   Ah, a glass of Tesco finest (hmmmm) Pinot Grigio prevented that!   So I improvised, and I have to say...was pretty damn successful!

To be honest, I rarely measure things, so unless it actually comes in the sizes stated below...chances are I am winging it here!


200g Chocolate Homewheat biscuits
50g butter
Packet of Cadbury buttons bashed to little pieces with rolling pin (or a flake)*.
1 raspberry jelly
250g Philadelphia or other soft cheese (needs to be full fat, and try to avoid the ones with herbs or garlic...big mistake)
400 Whipping Cream
25g Castor sugar
25g dessicated coconut (the finer the better)...add more coconut if you really really like it!*
Splash pink food colouring (see, winging it!)


Break jelly into cubes, and melt with 100ml boiling water (microwave for 30 seconds should do it)

Place in fridge to cool.

Place biscuits in food processor and blitz until like fine breadcrumbs.   Add butter and blitz again until clumpy or when pressed will stick together, add more butter if required.

Press mixture into a lightly greased 15cm springform cake tin**.   Press down on bottom and up sides.   Set into fridge to set for approximately 30 minutes.

Go have a coffee and read major celebrity gossip magazine***.

Whisk cheese and castor sugar, add coconut, chocolate and food colouring.

In another bowl whip cream until in stiff peaks.

Fold cream into cheese mixture. 

Add jelly, and whist together with balloon whisk.

Pour onto set base

Leave 2 or 3 hours

When ready to eat, remove from tin, place on serving place, slice and enjoy.

*            To eliminate faffing about with coconut and chocolate, buy Raspberry Ruffles.  Chop into required size and add to cheese mixture.  4 little bars should be enough.

**          Use a wider tin for a more shallow cheesecake

***         Can thoroughly recommend Heat magazine!


  1. Paula u r quite mad, but in a good way! U hav2 do the recipe 4 those picnic things pleeeeeease.

  2. I predict a shortage of raspberry ruffles in Doagh! Going to give this a shot today....will let you know how it goes. Keep them coming please xx

  3. do you mean the thai prawn noodle salad Catherine? or the Coconut and lime cake, or the pineapple salsa x
